
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Bear with your relatives and witness the marvels that unfold

Ubqari Magazine - December 2015

(Muhammad Zubair, Lahore)

Man is a social animal. He cannot live alone in this world. Allah Almighty has inter-linked fulfilment of human needs with one another. He is dependent on others for food and clothes. Whilst this human to human interaction many things happen against one’s wishes that cause irritation, indignation and tension. If situation gets worse depression, solitude and other psychological disorders may prove lethal. Holy Prophet Muhammad had ﷺ said that Allah Almighty likes the Muslim who keeps relation with his relatives despite the afflictions relatives extend more than the Muslim who neither keeps relations nor bear with their afflictions. Being helpful to your relatives has been emphasized in many Hadiths.

It is very difficult to maintain relationship and bear with the afflictions relatives cause. Here are some easy thoughts that can keep such psychological disturbances at an arm’s length by maintaining cordial relations saving you from the sin of disconnecting with relatives. With these thoughts you may develop positive attitude in your life and help others getting rid of such problems and earn their blessings in return.


Multiply virtues ten times

It is in Surah Inam that a virtue will be rewarded equivalent to that of ten virtues whereas a sin will be punished equivalent to that of one sin. Just think, Almighty Allah rewards a virtue ten times but punishes a sin only once. Then why don’t we multiply people’s good deeds ten times following this Quranic principle? We must amplify good deeds of our family members, children and relatives.

When someone commits injustice to you, just think one of his/ her good deeds and amplify that good deed ten times. Now visualize that mountain of that man’s virtues stands in front of you and that injustice lies little side by that mountain. Now ask yourself to forgive that man. God willing this will minimize the pain that man has caused you. You will feel grateful to that person instead.


Spiritual children

Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said that I am father of Ummah. With this we all become Holy Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ spiritual children. Now take that relative or friend who has caused you pain as spiritual child of Hazrat Muhammad ﷺ and forgive him/her. Doing this will lessen your anger. Allah Almighty likes the person who forgive others. This forgiving disposition will put you among those liked by Allah Almighty. You must be thankful to such person, instead, for he has been the reason bringing you close to Allah Almighty and among His favourite Muslims.


A black dot in circle

Draw a circle and put a black dot in its centre. Now you can easily see that black dot. You are hundred percent right that there is a black dot in that circle. But white space is also there in that circle. You at once spotted black dot ignoring the white space in the circle. Similarly, we ignore happiness, success, love, and Allah’s blessings in our life spotting at once miseries, woes, hatred which are as little as this black dot.

Whenever a misery reaches you just say yourself, “I am thinking about that black dot. I will not think about that. I will never think about that black dot again. I will think about the white space instead. I will think about the happiness, success that I have in my life no matter how little they be.”

With these thoughts you will start enjoying your life. You will find a new avenue opened to your life. Do not be miser upon benefitting from these thoughts. Be generous like Ubqari and spread these words. Start thinking like this from today, tell others so that people may pray for both of us.

Our family cures for Appendicitis

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! I am writing my time tested remedy for readers of Ubqari. This is a spiritual cum medical tonic. It incredibly cures appendicitis. Whomever I have told has defeated appendicitis.

Tested tonic for appendicitis

Ingredients: 57 grams of wild gourd (Citrullus colocynthis) without seeds, 11.34 grams of ammonium chloride, 11.34 grams of falfal siyah, 11.34 grams of white cumin, 11.34 grams of black salt.

Recipe: Roast wild gourd (Citrullus colocynthis) in a pan. Grind rest of the ingredients and mix with roasted wild gourd.

Dosage: Take 6 grams of this mixture once a day.

It is an open challenge to those denying efficacy of Greek pharmacopoeia. Help the needy, spread these words. This is a tonic that never goes amiss.

Tested spiritual remedy for Appendicitis

Recite seventh ayah of Surah Albayanah for forty-one times with Darood Sharif recited for eleven times in the beginning and eleven times at the end and blow on patient. Patient must himself recite this till he recovers fully.   (Muhammad Arshad Zubair, Sahiwal)


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